Friday, April 17, 2009

I need to be a grownup (apparently)

Ahh. Okay, here we go. So, tonight, all of the children left, which meant that me and Derek (and Shelley) didn't really have to be adults. Sure! Brody was at his Mamaw Betty's, Emily was at Nanny's and dear, dear Cameron had made a treck to WVA. to Howells Mill Christian Assembly for a little weekend retreat. Life was good, and somewhat worry free. I was assuming that all these other adults would be taking care of my dear, sweet children. Boy! Was I wrong!! We went out to eat and them promptly returned to home sweet home to chuckle and giggle and laugh about life in general. Just as me and Shelley were really getting into it...the phone rings. This is the beginning of the end for us. It's Brody. He is crying, and I can hear Mamaw Betty in the backround saying she is perfectly willing to bring him home. She also throw in a side note that SHE thinks he feels bad. He is just bored, and nothing doing, that boy is coming home. At this point Derek has went into his shell, and is typing away on the computer. I'm sure he somehow knew this was not the end. Needless to say, Derek has offered to go get our son. Fine. I'm okay with that. I know the child will go to sleep after he gets home and I am still thinking me and Shelley will have fun, at least. WRONG! The phone rings again. This time it is the middle child. You know...the one 45 minutes away. He is not feeling well, and is a little sad and homesick. There is crying involved. So....Derek is typing more furiously than ever on the computer. I know what he's thinking, because I'm thinking the same thing. It's going to be a long night!! At this point, it is well after 8 p.m. and we were just getting started. So, goodbyes are said to my Shelley, and off we go. There is no gas in the car. Of course. By the time we left Grayson, it was 9 p.m. Derek drove because I have a REALLY hard time driving to Huntington after dark. He does too, but is willing to sacrifice. Oh well, it's better than watching him hang on for dear life when I drive. That always makes me second guess my driving skills. By the time we got home, it was going on 11 p.m. and our lovely boys were ever so softly sawing logs in the backseat of our car with not a care in the world. I'm pretty sure Em would have come home if she didn't fear for her life. So, the leason learned is this. I have to be an adult at all times now. My own personal, selfish fun is long over. Maybe this is preparing me for being a grandparent:)

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